Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Physics 1A Summer 2001: Lectures and WWW links

Healthy Diversions in Physics:

Bored with lecture notes? Want to deepen your understanding of the concepts without ploughing through problem calculations? Try these sites (more added weekly):

Physics 1A Lectures

Lecture notes will be posted in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, usually on Wednesday evening. They are posted as a convenience only, not as a substitute for your own notes! Unfortunately, some of the files may be large (~1 Mbyte) and may take several minutes to download over slow connections.

Week 1: Week 1 lecture notes. Each file is one transparency (e.g. "lecture3b.pdf" is the second page of lecture 3). We shall use a more convenient format in later weeks.

Vector Addition Applet. (See also the demonstration on the Hecht CD-ROM).

Week 2: Acceleration, Newton's Laws, Dynamics and Statics.

Week 3: Work, energy, power, momentum and collisions: Week 4: Circular motion, simple harmonic motion: Week 5: Waves and Sound:
Physics 1A

Philip Blanco email: