Physics 1A Summer 2001: Newtonian Mechanics

UCSD Department of Physics, UCSD

Course WWW page:


2001 Aug 4: Class letter grades, by code number.

2001 Aug 3: Final exam solutions and scores have been posted under the "quizzes" link below. Letter grades will follow shortly. It was obvious to us that many of you had worked very hard to understand and apply the principles we had covered in class and in the lab.

From Dr. Blanco, Bart, Sang, and Helena: We hope you enjoyed at least some of the class activities of the past 5 weeks, despite the hectic pace of summer session! As you continue your education and careers, we also hope that this class has revealed some of the fundamentals of Newton's and Galileo's Universe, and that you can better appreciate the mechanics underlying your everyday experiences, whatever your chosen field might be.

2001 July 17: Office hours/discussion section for Bart Morantte are now Thursdays 3-4:30pm in SERF 329, taking over from the instructor. Dr. Blanco will still keep office hours on Wednesdays after class, and by appointment.

2001 July 10: Problem/Discussion Section with Bart has been scheduled for Wednesdays at 6-7:30pm in WLH2206 (upstairs classroom).

Pre-lab homeworks in your lab notebooks are due at the start of each lab, beginning Tuesday. Please either photocopy them for handing in at the start of lab, or bring your notebook to lab and tear out the pages. In any case, record your code #, optionally your name, and "Physics 1A Summer 2001, lab HW #1" on your work.

Syllabus updates: Some errors/omissions from the printed syllabus are corrected below:

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