UCSD DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS            Sept. 1999


Some Web Pages on the Solar System

Some Texts on the Solar System

Discovering The Solar System Jones,Barrie W. 1999, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-98243-1.

Beatty, J.K., Peterson, C.C. and Chaikin, A. ``The New Solar System" 1999, Sky Publishing and Cambridge University Press [well written discussion of the topics covered in the course.]

Cattermole, Peter Earth and Other Planets (Oxford University Press 1995) [each page has many superb colorful diagrams, not much on other planets, another excellent book to start with.]

Christiansen, E.H. and Hamblin, W.K. ``Exploring the Planets" (Prentice Hall 1995) [mostly planetary surfaces, excellent photos and drawings, lacks observational astronomy.]

Greeley, R. ``Planetary Landscapes" (Chapman and Hall 1994) [similar to Christiansen.]

Hartmann, W.K. Moon and Planets.

Lewis, John S. ``Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System" (Academic Press, 1995) [assumes you have 1 year of university physics, chemistry and mathematics].

Seeds, M. The Solar system (Wadsworth, 1999) [half of Seeds book Foundation of Astronomy, only 110 out of 600 pages are on planets and minor bodies.]

Watters, Thomas R. Planets Smithsonian Guides, (MacMillan, 1995) [short, colorful, good book to start with.]

The Search for Life on Other Planets, ISBN 0-521-59837-0 paper, $19.95 Bruce Jakosky, Cambridge Univ. press, 1998 [steps through solar systems, 59p on Mars, good illustrations in black/white, intended for Univ. course.]

Review Articles

Sky and Telescope is a superb monthly magazine, which contains many easy to understand and reliable reviews.

Scientific American magazine usually has one detailed astronomy review each month.

General Astronomy Texts: Similar Treatment of Physics, but usually less details on the Solar System

The Undergraduate Library has other useful texts:

Abell, Morrison & Wolff Realm of the Universe

Berman, L. & Evans, J.C. Exploring the Cosmos Little Brown

Eric Chaisson & Steve McMillan ``Astronomy Today" 1996 (Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ) [excellent]

Dixon, R.T. Dynamic Astronomy Prentice Hall

Ferris, T. Coming of Age in the Milky Way

Friedlander, M.W. Astronomy from Stonehenge to Quasars Prentice Hall. [harder]

Layzer, D. Constructing the Universe [gravity, tides]

Pasachoff, J. Astronomy, from the Earth to the Universe

Seeds, M. Foundation of Astronomy [well written]

Snow, T. The Dynamic Universe [no maths]

Shu, F. The Physical Universe [advanced physics, good] and Astrophysics Saunders. [more maths]

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