Transparencies from lectures

Note - Dr. Tytler often uses figures from books and published journal articles in lecture. For copyright reasons, we cannot post those reproductions on a web page, and accordingly not all of the transparencies from class can be viewed here.

Lecture 1 - Sept 30 - Overview, night sky sky, seasons
Lecture 2 - Oct 5 - Moon's phases, eclipses
Lecture 3 - Oct 7 - Orbits, gravity, Kepler, Newton
Lecture 4 - Oct 12 - Venusian phases, orbits, gravity, parallax
Lecture 5 - Oct 14 - Geocentric model, the Sun
Lecture 6 - Oct 19 - Midterm prep, importance of gravity
Lecture 7 - Oct 21 - Physical science history & method
Lecture 8 - Oct 26 - Newton, orbits, phases Review
Lecture 9 - Nov 2 - Light, inside the Sun
Lecture 10 - Nov 4 - The structure of matter, fusion
Lecture 11 - Nov 9 - Sun, heat transport, stellar evolution, atomic spectra
Lecture 12 - Nov 11 - Meteors, absorption spectra, composition
Lecture 13 - Nov 16 - Transits, Midterm 2 review, meteoroids
Lecture 14 - Nov 18 - Leonids, Midterm 2 review, density, planet chemistry
Lecture 15 - Nov 30 - Rocks, meteoroids, impacts
Lecture 16 - Dec 2 - Impacts, asteroids
Lecture 17 - Dec 7 - Comets, Moon
Lecture 18 - Dec 9 - Ages, Surfaces, Interiors, Planets & Life(?!?) elsewhere

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