Research Publications Since 1989

  1. Dunn T, Hick PP, Jackson BV, Xuepu Zhao. Introduction of the CSSS magnetic field calculation into the UCSD tomographic solar wind model. [Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4853, 2003, pp.504-10. USA.

  2. Buffington A, Jackson BV, Hick PP. Calculations for and laboratory measurements of a multistage labyrinthine baffle for SMEI. [Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4853, 2003, pp.490-503. USA.

  3. Jackson BV, Hick PP, Buffington A. Time-dependent tomography of heliospheric features using the three-dimensional reconstruction techniques developed for the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI). [Conference Paper] SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. Proceedings of Spie - the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4853, 2003, pp.23-30. USA.

  4. Hick PP, Jackson BV. Three-dimensional solar wind modeling using remote-sensing data. [Conference Paper] Kluwer Academic Publishers. Space Science Reviews, vol.97, no.1-4, 2001, pp.35-8. Netherlands.

  5. Jackson BV, Hick P. Three dimensional tomography of heliospheric features using global Thomson scattering data. [Conference Paper] Elsevier. Advances in Space Research, vol.25, no.9, 2000, pp.1875-8. UK.

  6. Yokobe A, Ohmi T, Hakamada K, Kojima M, Tokumaru M, Jackson BV, Hick PP, Zidowitz S. Comparison of solar wind speed with coronagraph data analyzed by tomography. [Conference Paper] AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.471, 1999, pp.565-7. USA.

  7. Hick P, Svestka Z, Jackson BV, Farnik F, Hudson H. Quiet solar wind signatures above active regions observed in X-rays. [Conference Paper] AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.471, 1999, pp.231-3. USA.

  8. Leinert C, Jackson BV. Global solar wind changes over solar cycle 21: a combination of Helios photometer, in situ, and interplanetary scintillation data. [Journal Paper] Astrophysical Journal, vol.505, no.2, pt.1, 1 Oct. 1998, pp.984-92. Publisher: University of Chicago Press for American Astron. Soc, USA.

  9. Jackson BV, Hick PL, Kojima M, Yokobe A. Heliospheric tomography using interplanetary scintillation observations. 1. Combined Nagoya and Cambridge data. [Journal Paper] Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.103, no.A6, 1 June 1998, pp.12049-67. Publisher: American Geophys. Union, USA.

  10. Asai K, Kojima M, Tokumaru M, Yokobe A, Jackson BV, Hick PL, Manoharan PK. Heliospheric tomography using interplanetary scintillation observations. 3. Correlation between speed and electron density fluctuations in the solar wind. [Journal Paper] Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.103, no.A2, 1 Feb. 1998, pp.1991-2001. Publisher: American Geophys. Union, USA.

  11. Kojima M, Tokumaru M, Watanabe H, Yokobe A, Asai K, Jackson BV, Hick PL. Heliospheric tomography using interplanetary scintillation observations. 2. Latitude and heliocentric distance dependence of solar wind structure at 0.1-1 AU. [Journal Paper] Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.103, no.A2, 1 Feb. 1998, pp.1981-9. Publisher: American Geophys. Union, USA.

  12. Kojima M, Asai K, Hick PL, Jackson BV, Tokumaru M, Watanabe H, Yokobe A. Solar wind structure at 0.1-1 AU reconstructed from IPS observations using tomography. [Conference Paper] AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.385, 1997, pp.97-104. USA.

  13. Jackson BV, Hick PL, Kojima M, Yokobe A. Heliospheric tomography using interplanetary scintillation observations. [Conference Paper] Elsevier. Advances in Space Research, vol.20, no.1, 1997, pp.23-6. UK.

  14. Webb DF, Howard RA, Jackson BV. Comparison of CME masses and kinetic energies near the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. [Conference Paper] AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.382, 1996, pp.540-3. USA.

  15. Jackson BV, Buffington A, Hick PL, Kahler SW, Altrock RC, Gold RE, Webb DF. The Solar Mass Ejection Imager. [Conference Paper] AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.382, 1996, pp.536-9. USA.

  16. Hick P, Jackson BV. Evidence of active region imprints on the solar wind structure. [Conference Paper] AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.382, 1996, pp.461-4. USA.

  17. Hick P, Jackson BV, Altrock RC. Coronal synoptic temperature maps derived from the Fe XIV/Fe X intensity ratio. [Conference Paper] AIP. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, no.382, 1996, pp.169-72. USA.

  18. Buffington A, Jackson BV, Korendyke CM. Wide-angle stray-light reduction for a spaceborne optical hemispherical imager. [Journal Paper] Applied Optics, vol.35, no.34, 1 Dec. 1996, pp.6669-73. Publisher: Opt. Soc. America, USA.

  19. Hick P, Jackson BV. The influence of active regions on IPS measurements near 1 AU. [Conference Paper] Astron. Soc. Pacific. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol.95, 1996, pp.470-1. USA.

  20. Hick P, Jackson BV, Altrock RC, Slater G, Henry T. The coronal temperature structure and the current sheet. [Conference Paper] Astron. Soc. Pacific. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol.95, 1996, pp.358-65. USA.

  21. Webb DF, Jackson BV, Hick P. Geomagnetic storms and heliospheric CMEs as viewed from HELIOS. [Conference Paper] Astron. Soc. Pacific. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol.95, 1996, pp.167-70. USA.

  22. Keil, S.L, R.C. Altrock, S.W. Kahler, B.V. Jackson, A. Buffington, P. Hick, G. Simnett, C. Eyles, D.F. Webb, and P. Anderson, ``The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI): Development and Use in Space Weather Forecasting'', in Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances, Proceedings of 16th NSO/Sacramento Peak International Workshop, ASP Conference Series, 95, K.S. Balasubramaniam, S.L. Keil and R.N. Smartt, eds., 158-166, 1996.

  23. Webb, D.F., B.V. Jackson and P. Hick, ``Effects of CMEs on the Heliosphere and GM Storms using Helios Data'', in the proceedings of the Fifth Solar-Terrestrial Physics Workshop, Japan, January, 1996 (4 pages).

  24. Jackson, B.V., ``Heliospheric Observations of Solar Disturbances and Their Potential Role in the Origin of Solar Storms'', in the proceedings of the Chapman Conference on Magnetic Storms held February 12-16 1996 at JPL, Pasadena, California, 1996 (12 pages).

  25. Jackson, B.V., Buffington, A., Hick, P., Kahler, S.W., Keil, S.L.,Altrock, R.C., Simnett, G.M. and Webb, D.F., ``The Solar Mass Ejection Imager'', in the proceedings of the 42nd International Instrument Symposium, held May 5-9 in San Diego, California, 17-24, 1996.

  26. Jackson, B.V., P.L. Hick, M. Kojima and A. Yokobe, ``Heliospheric tomography using interplanetary scintillation observations'', in the proceedings of the EGS XXI meeting, the Hague, the Netherlands, 6-10 May,1996 (10 pages).

  27. Jackson, B.V., A. Buffington, P.L. Hick, S.W. Kahler, G. Simnett and D.F. Webb, ``The solar mass ejection imager'', in the proceedings of the EGS XXI meeting, the Hague, the Netherlands, 6-10 May, 1996 (4 pages).

  28. Jackson, B.V., ``The active corona observed from space; - coronal mass ejections'' in The Reports on Astronomy in the Transaction of the International Astronomical Union, O. Engvold, ed., 1996 (2.5 pages).

  29. Webb, D.F., B.V. Jackson and. P. Hick, ``Geomagnetic Storms and Heliospheric CMEs Using HELIOS Photometer Data'', in Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances, Proceedings of 16th NSO/Sacramento Peak International Workshop , ASP Conference Series, 95, K.S. Balasubramaniam, S.L. Keil and R.N. Smartt, eds., 167-170, 1995.

  30. Hick, P.L., B.V. Jackson, S. Rappoport, G. Woan, G. Slater, K. Strong and Y. Uchida, ``Synoptic IPS and Yohkoh soft X-ray Observations'', Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 643-646, 1995.

  31. Hick, P., B.V. Jackson, R.C. Altrock, G. Woan and G. Slater, ``IPS Observations of Heliospheric Density Structures Associated with Active Regions'', Adv. in Space Res., 17, 311-314, 1995.

  32. Smartt, R., R.C. Altrock and B.V. Jackson, ``Sacramento Peak Observations of the May 10, 1994 Annular Solar Eclipse'', Astronomy (in press) (1995) (1 page).

  33. Altrock, R.C., P. Hick, B.V. Jackson, J.T. Hoeksema, X.P. Zhao, G. Slater, T .W. Henry, ``Solar Coronal Structure: A comparison of NSO/SP Ground-Based Coronal Emission Line Intensities and Temperatures with Yohkoh SXT and WSO Magnetic Field Data'', Adv. in Space Res., 17, 235-238, 1995.

  34. Jackson, B.V. and H.R. Froehling, ``Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections'', Astron. Astrophys., 299, 885-892, 1995.

  35. Webb, D.F., R.A. Howard and B.V. Jackson, ``Comparison of CME Masses and Kinetic Energies Near the Sun and in the Inner Heliosphere'', in Solar Wind 8 held in Dana Point, California 26-30 June, 1995 (in press) (4 pages).

  36. Jackson, B.V., A. Buffington, P.L. Hick, S.W. Kahler, R.C. Altrock, R.E. Gold and D.F. Webb, ``The Solar Mass Ejection Imager'', in Solar Wind 8 held in Dana Point, California 26-30 June, 1995 (in press) (4 pages).

  37. Hick, P., and B.V. Jackson, ``Evidence of Active Region Imprints on the Solar Wind Structure'', in Solar Wind 8 held in Dana Point, California 26-30 June, 1995 (in press) (4 pages).

  38. Hick, P., B.V. Jackson and R. Altrock, ``Coronal Synoptic Temperature Maps Derived from the Fe XIV/Fe X Intensity Ratio'', in Solar Wind 8 held in Dana Point, California 26-30 June, 1995 (in press) (4 pages).

  39. Jackson, B.V., Buffington, A., Hick, P., Kahler, S.W., Keil, S.L.,Altrock, R.C., Simnett, G.M. and Webb, D.F., ``The Solar Mass Ejection Imager'', in Proceedings of Small Mission Opportunities and the Scientific Community Workshop, held at Colleferro, Italy, 12--13 October, W. Pecorella and R. Mura, eds., 1995 (4 pages).

  40. Hick, P., B.V. Jackson, R.C. Altrock, G. Slater and T. Henry, ``The Coronal Temperature Structure and the Current Sheet'', in Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances, Proceedings of 16th NSO/Sacramento Peak International Workshop, ASP Conference Series, 95, K.S. Balasubramaniam, S.L. Keil and R.N. Smartt, eds., 358-355, 1995.

  41. Hick, P. and B.V. Jackson, ``The Influence of Active Regions on IPS Measurements near 1 AU'', in Solar Drivers of Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances, Proceedings of 16th NSO/Sacramento Peak International Workshop, ASP Conference Series, 95, K.S. Balasubramaniam, S.L. Keil and R.N. Smartt, eds., 470-471, 1995.

  42. Jackson, B.V., A. Buffington, P.L. Hick, S.W. Kahler and D.F. Webb, ``A spaceborne near-Earth asteroid detection system'', Astronomy and Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 108, 279-285, 1994.

  43. Jackson, B.V., D.F. Webb, P.L. Hick, J.L. Nelson, ``Catalog of Helios 90 deg. Photometer Events'', PL-TR-94-2040, Scientific Report No. 4, Phillips Laboratory, Hanscom (1994) (51 pages).

  44. Jackson, B.V., ``May 10, 1994 Annular Solar Eclipse Observations'', CalSpace News, September, 1994 (1 page).

  45. Jackson, B.V. and D.F. Webb, ``The Masses of CMEs Measured in the Inner Heliosphere'', in the proceedings of the Third SOHO Workshop on Solar Dynamic Phenomena & Solar Wind Consequences, ESA SP-373, 233-238, 1994.

  46. Jackson, B.V. and P.L. Hick, ``Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections'', in the proceedings of the Third SOHO Workshop on Solar Dynamic Phenomena & Solar Wind Consequences, ESA SP-373, 199-202, 1994.

  47. Jackson, B.V., ``A Review of the Physics of the Inner Heliosphere - I'' and ``A Review of the Physics of the Inner Heliosphere - II'', R. Schwenn and E. Marsch, eds., Solar Phys., 145, 405, 1993.

  48. Jackson, B.V, P. Hick and D.F. Webb, ``Co-Rotating structures of the inner heliosphere from studies of Helios photometer and in-situ data'', Adv. in Space Res., 13, 43-46, 1993.

  49. Webb, D.F., B.V. Jackson, P. Hick, R. Schwenn and V. Bothmer and D. Reames, ``Comparison of CMEs, magnetic clouds, and bidirectionally streaming particle events in the heliosphere using Helios data'', Adv. in Space Res., 13, 71-74, 1993.

  50. Hick, P. and B. Jackson, ``Solar wind mass and momentum flux variations at 0.3 AU'', Adv. in Space Res., 14, 135-138, 1994.

  51. Webb, D.F. and B.V. Jackson, ``Characteristics of CMEs Observed in the Heliosphere Using Helios Photometer and In-situ Data'', in the Solar Terrestrial Predictions Workshop 4 in Ottawa, Canada 18 - 22 May, A. Huruska et al. (eds.), NOAA, Boulder, 381-386, 1993.

  52. Jackson, B.V. and R.A. Howard, ``CME Mass Distribution Derived from Solwind Coronagraph Observations'', Solar Phys., 148, 359-370, 1993.

  53. Jackson, B.V., D.F. Webb, R.C. Altrock and R. Gold,~ ``Considerations of a Solar Mass Ejection Imager in Low--Earth Orbit'', in Eruptive Solar Flares - Lecture Notes in Physics, 399, the proceedings of IAU Colloquium 133 held in Iguazu, Argentina 2-6 August, 1991, Z. Svestka, B.V. Jackson and M.E. Machado, eds. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 322-328, 1992.

  54. Jackson, B.V., ``Helios Spacecraft Photometer Observations of Elongated Corotating Structures in the Interplanetary Medium'', J. Geophys. Res., 96, 11,307-11,318, 1992.

  55. Jackson, B.V., ``Remote Sensing Observations of Mass Ejections and Shocks in Interplanetary Space'', in Eruptive Solar Flares - Lecture Notes in Physics, 399, the proceedings of IAU Colloquium 133 held in Iguazu, Argentina 2-6 August, 1991, Z. Svestka, B.V. Jackson and M.E. Machado, eds. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 248-254, 1992.

  56. Hick, P.L., Jackson, B.V. and R. Schwenn, ``Synoptic Maps of Thomson Scattering Brightness from 1974 - 1985 as Observed by the Helios Photometers'', in Solar Wind Seven, E. Marsch and R. Schwenn, eds., Pergamon, Oxford, 187-190, 1992.

  57. Webb, D.F. and B.V. Jackson, ``Characteristics of CMEs Observed in the Heliosphere Using the Helios Photometer Data'', in Solar Wind Seven, E. Marsch and R. Schwenn,eds., Pergamon, Oxford, 681-684, 1992.

  58. Jackson, B.V., ``Solar Generated Disturbances in the Heliosphere'', in Solar Wind Seven, E. Marsch and R. Schwenn, eds., Pergamon, Oxford, 623-634, 1992.

  59. ``Eruptive Solar Flares'', Lecture Notes in Physics, 399, the proceedings of IAU Colloquium 133 held in Iguazu, Argentina 2-6 August, 1991, Z. Svestka, B.V. Jackson and M.E. Machado, eds. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1992 (409 pages).

  60. Jackson, B.V, ``A model for coronal streamer observations using the SOHO coronagraph instrumentation'', in Proceedings of the SOHO Workshop on Coronal Streamers, Coronal Loops and Coronal and Solar Wind Composition in Annapolis, Maryland 25-28 August 1992 ESA SP-348, 97-99, 1992.

  61. Hick, P., B.V. Jackson and R. Schwenn, ``Synoptic Maps Constructed from Brightness Observations of Thomson Scattering by Heliospheric Electrons'', Adv. in Space Res., 11, (1)61-64, 1991.

  62. Jackson, B.V. and Y. Leblanc, ``Electron Groups Traced From the Sun to 1 AU'', Solar Phys., 136, 361-377, 1991.

  63. Jackson, B., R. Gold and R. Altrock, ``The Solar Mass Ejection Imager'', Adv. in Space Res., 11, 377-381, 1991.

  64. Jackson, B.V., ``Comparison of Helios Photometer and Interplanetary Scintillation Observations'', in Proceedings of the First SOLTIP Symposium held in Liblice, Czechoslovakia 30 September - 5 October, S. Fischer and M. Vandas,eds. Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 153-164, 1991.

  65. Jackson, B.V. and R.M. Benensohn, `The Helios Spacecraft Zodiacal Light Photometers Used for Comet Observations and Views of the Comet West Bow Shock'', Earth, Moon and Planets, 48, 139-162, 1990.

  66. Hick, P., B.V. Jackson and R. Schwenn, ``Synoptic Maps for the Heliospheric Thomson Scattering Brightness as Observed by the Helios Photometers'', Astron. Astrophys., 285, 1-9, 1990.

  67. Jackson, B.V. and J.L. Steinberg, ``Broad-Band Images of AKR from ISEE-3'', in the proceedings of the Low Frequency Astrophysics from Space Workshop in Crystal City, Virginia January 8 and 9, 1990, in Lecture Notes in Physics, 362, Namir E. Kassim and Kurt W. Weiler eds., 102-105, 1990.

  68. Webb, D.F. and B. Jackson, ``The Identification and Characteristics of Solar Mass Ejections Observed in the Heliosphere by the Helios-2 Photometers'', J. Geophys. Res., 95, 20641-20660, 1990.

  69. Jackson, B. V. and Y. Leblanc, ``Type III Electron Beamwidth from Solar Flare Longitudinal Distributions'', in Plasma Phenomena in Solar Physics, M.A. Dubois, D. Gresillon and F. Bely Dubou, eds., L'Edition Du Physique, L'Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France, 209-216, 1989.

  70. Leblanc, Y. and B. Jackson, ``Type III Bursts Traced from the Solar Surface to 1AU'', in IAU Symposium 142, Basic Plasma Processes on the Sun, E.R. Priest and V. Krishan, eds., 509-512, 1989.