cm for
the largest molecules, such as DNA.
Cells - 10-2 cm.
Humans - The largest humans who don't play basketball are
about 2 meters ( = 200 cm) in size; Professor
Smith is 186 cm in height.
The Earth - The Earth is about 25,000 miles around, which
makes its radius about 4000 miles. More
precisely, the radius at the equator, RE
= 6378 km = 6.378 x 108 cm.
In other words, it would take about 7 million
people to span the distance from San Diego to
China through the center of the Earth.
The Sun - The Sun, our nearest star is 93 million miles =
150 million km = 1.5 x 1013cm away.
Its radius , RS = 7 x 1010cm.
If the sun were a large grapefruit (r~ 7 cm), the Earth would be
a pinhead 15 meters away.

The Solar System; Sizes are to scale, but distances are not.
The Stars - The nearest star, Alpha Centauri, is a triple
star system in the constellation Centaurus. It
is only visible from the Southern Hemisphere.
The distance to Alpha Centauri is 4.34 light-
years = 4 x 1018cm.
A light-year is the distance that light travels in one year:
If the Sun were a grapefruit in San Diego, the nearest grapefruit (star)
would be 2500 miles away.
The Galaxy - The Sun is one of the 500,000,000,000 stars in
the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way is about
100,000 light-years = 1023cm across.
Other Galaxies - The Andromeda Galaxy, our nearest sizeable
neighbor, is about 2 million light-years
= 2 x 1024cm away.
The Universe - 1027cm: There may not be a "size"
to the Universe; it may be infinite. But, a
crude estimate of the scale of the Universe
can be made from looking back to the
"beginning". Astronomers believe that the
Universe began with the Big Bang,some
10 - 20 billion years ago. So, the most
distant objects that we can see are about 10
- 20 billion light-years (= 1027
cm) away.