The ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey
Goal of Survey
Produce a deep catalog of Luminous Far Infrared Galaxies (LFIRG's) at
redshifts of 0.1-1 by observing the very faintest IRAS Faint Source Survey
(FSS) galaxy candidates with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO).
Survey Sample
3776 sources selected from the IRAS Faint Source Catalog covering large
fraction of high-latitude sky, of which we anticipate ~500 will be observed.
Faintness (greater distances): 60 µm flux < 0.3 Jy
Reasonable Detections (avoid cirrus): |b| > 30° to minimize Galactic
confusion, ADDSCAN's inspected to reject marginal detections & cirrus
Non-Stellar Colors (exclude stars): Increasing flux density from 12
to 60 µm
Large L60µm/Lblue Ratio (select greatest luminosities): Blue magnitude
limits of Mblue > 19, 17.5 for the southern, northern equatorial skies to
select for the most luminous sources
Observing Strategy (through Revolution 613)
- ISOCAM: LW10 (IRAS 12 µm) Filter
- 6" pixels, ~3 x 3' field of view
- 2 x 2 raster positions, 30" offsets
- 6 frames per raster, Tint = 2.1 sec/frame
- ISOPHOT: C90 (90 µm) Filter
- Chopped PHT22 photometry
- 64 sec on-source integrations
- Observing Strategy (Revolution 614-current)
- ISOCAM updated for better sensitivity/redundancy
- 3 x 2 raster positions, 18 x 30" offsets
- 20 frames per raster, Tint = 2.1 sec/frame
- 300% increase in on-source integration time
- ISOPHOT obs. suspended for this phase
- Spectroscopic Survey
- 125 galaxies identified with 116 IRAS FSS sources observed at Lick and
Palomar observatories.
- All are LIGs with 0.04 < z < 0.7, with strong emission lines.
- 1 QSO (F00237+2153) with z = 1.332.
Finding Charts
IPAC OPTID Finding Charts and positional data are available for
387 IRAS FSS fields with 1 or more good ISOCAM source. Finding charts are
in PostScript format. Each field is 4' x 4' scquare centered on the IRAS
FSS position. The FSS 1, 3 and 10
ellipses are marked along with the ISOCAM position (concentric circles).
Stellar objects are indicated as filled circles (occasionally as ellipses
when double stars are unresolved) and galaxies as open ellipses. Relative
brightness is indicated by size of the circle/ellipse. Object classification
is poor at the fainter magnitudes and compact infrared galaxies at m > 19
are frequently classified as stellar.
The image below is the field of the z = 0.278 Luminous Infrared Galaxy
associated with F14491+6040 (Levine et al. 1998, Smith et al.
2000) shown in the images above. The concentric circles mark the position
of the ISOCAM source; objects numbered 1-6 (1 is unreadable in this frame)
correspond to the first six objects in the text file, listed, in part,
below the image. These are ordered by the likelihood of being the optical
object associated with the IRAS source assuming the classification
applied by the measuring engine. In this case the open ellipse
coincident with the ISOCAM source (object #1) is shown to be a galaxy pair
on the Digitized Sky Survey image and there is clear evidence for tidal
interaction on the deeper G and I-band ccd images from Lick Observatory.
Chart# 46 F14491+6040
Name Cat RA (J2000) Dec UncMaj Min PA Glon Glat Rel
F14491+6040 FSC 14h50m21.77s +60d28m24.9s 19.27 9.91 15 100 51 85
Fnu 12um 25um 60um 100um SNR 12um 25um 60um 100um Cr IRBnd Grp# IRTyp
0.051L 0.047L 0.135 0.299L -99.0 -99.0 5.5 -99.0 1 60um 18 Gal
Mch RA (J2000) Dec Rad" PA Dma"Dmi"Sig Cl Ba Mag MagOC Rel RelUC Pid PidUC
01 145023.51 +602811.5 19 136 9.7 16 1.7 Ga B 19.8 (18.1) .440 .140 .400 .120
02 145022.98 +602823.2 9.1 101 0.7 9.1 0.9 Ga B 21.5 (25.5) .430 .150 .390 .140
03 145022.14 +602834.4 9.9 16 9.9 0.2 0.5 St B 21.8 (21.8) 0 .160 0 .150
04 145025.13 +602847.7 34 47 28 18 2.3 Ga B 21.8 (25.5) .140 .067 .086 .055
05 145017.83 +602824.1 29 268 8.2 28 2.9 St B 17.2 (17.2) 0 .080 0 .067
06 145024.58 +602833.1 22 68 13 18 1.9 St B 22.0 (22.0) 0 .077 0 .064
Here are the Charts:
Current Publications
Paper 1 (1998): "First Results from the ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Survey,"
D.A. Levine, C.J. Lonsdale, R.L. Hurt, H.E. Smith, G. Helou, C.A. Beichman,
C. Cesarsky, D. Elbaz, U. Klaas, R. Laureijs, D. Lemke, S. Lord, R.G. McMahon,
M. Moshir, G. Neugebauer, B.T. Soifer, D. Van Buren, A. Werhle,
R.D. Wolstencroft,
Ap.J, 504, 64-76.
Paper 4 (2000): "The ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy Spectroscopic Survey,"
H. E. Smith, C.J. Lonsdale, R.L. Hurt, & B. D. Siana, to be submitted
to the Ap.J.
Conference Proceeding (1998): "The ISO-IRAS Faint Galaxy
Survey," H.E. Smith, R.L. Hurt, C.J. Lonsdale, D.A. Levine, et al. in
the proceedings "The Young Universe" p.220.