Transparencies from lectures

Note - Dr. Tytler often uses figures from books and published journal articles in lecture. For copyright reasons, we cannot post those reproductions on a web page, and accordingly not all of the transparencies from class can be viewed here.

Lecture 1 - Sep 21 - Overview, night sky, seasons
Lecture 2 - Sep 26 - moon's phases, eclipses
Lecture 3 - Sep 28 - Orbits, gravity, Kepler & Newton
Lecture 4 - Oct 3 - Spectra, the Sun, stellar evolution
Lecture 5 - Oct 5 - stellar evolution, energy transport, radiation, planets (overview)
Lecture 6 - Jan 21 - chemistry, rocks, absorption
Lecture 7 - Jan 26 - solar system formation
Lecture 8 - Jan 28 - disk collapse, planetary formation
Lecture 9 - Feb 4 - meteorites, meteor showers, radioactive dating
Lecture 10 - Feb 9 - radioactive dating, meteor origins, planetesimals
Lecture 11 - Feb 11 - asteroids, Lagrange points, resonance, properties
Lecture 12 - Feb 16 - comets
Lecture 13 - Feb 18 - impacts!
Lecture 14 - Feb 23 - impacts!
Lecture 15 - Mar 2 - the Moon
Lecture 16 - Mar 4 - the Moon, planets
Lecture 17 - Mar 9 - terrestrial planet interiors, geothermal energy
Lecture 18 - Mar 11 - review for final

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Erik Nelson / endall@physics
October 8, 2000