Physics 9 Fall 1999
Homework 3. Due Nov 11

1. How was Neptune found?

2. The text book for the class sometimes presents more than
one major topic (or subject area) in a chapter. Please try to
identify the two (or more if you like) main topics in each
of the first 4 chapters.

3. We obtain evidence about the Solar System in several very different ways.
Can you list three such ways, which are as different as possible?

4. We distinguish three types of activity (what scientists to
try to learn and understand more) in astronomy and physics:
theory, observation and experiment.
Please give a specific example of each.

5. Given an example from astronomy where the accuracy of the
measurement was (or is) important. If the measurement had a
significantly (e.g. several times worse) accuracy, different
conclusions would have been reached.

6. Give a concise summary of the sun. Mention all of the following:
what it is (both inside and out), what it does, how it evolves (chages) and how it works.

a) Start my making a list of words which give an outline of your answer.
b) Then compose one or more sentences which give an accurate summary.
c) Then edit your answer (you might want to do this on a
computer) to end up with as few words as possible.