Chula Vista Nature Center Arthropod Species List
last updated October 1995
Collembola Mealybug Destroyer (CI 301-393)
marine springtail (CI 36) Western Spotted Cucumber Beetle (CI 306-400)
Thysanura Tumbling Flower Beetle (SS 149)
silverfish? (CI 38) unidentified weevils (CI 308)
Odonata Hymenoptera (many unidentified)
Ishnura sp. ichneumonids (CI 322)
Big Red Skimmer (CI 50-27) unidentified metallic green wasp(s)
several unidentified species Velvet Ant (red) (CI 332-plate 16d)
Orthoptera Harvester ants (CI 334)
grasshopper (CI 62) Argentine ants (CI 335-434)
tree cricket (CI 72 -plate 2f) Tarantula Hawk (CI 336-plate 16f)
Mantodea paper wasp (CI 340-440?)
praying mantis (CI 73) Golden Digger Wasp (CI 341-442)
Dermaptera thread-waisted wasp (CI 340)
earwig (CI 76) Sand Wasp (CI 343-plate 16g)
Hemiptera Yellow-faced Bumble Bee (CI 353-plate 16h)
Green Stink Bug - 2 types (CI 88-87) Sonoran Bumble Bee (CI 353)
Harlequin Cabbage Bug (CI 89-plate 3a) Honey Bee (CI 354-458)
Spined Soldier Bug (AIS 486-236)
Western Leaf-footed Bug (CI 91-plate 3c)
Bordered Plant Bug (CI 94-95)
lace bug (CI 96)
assassin bug (CI 98)
Tarnished plant bug (CI 101-107)
spittle bug (CI 115-123)
Blue Sharpshooter (CI 116-plate 4c) Spiders (many species)
Smoke Tree Leafhopper (LAB 124-96) Trapdoor Spider (I&S 871)
green leafhopper Black Widow (I&S 877-651)
pale banded leafhopper Araneus sp. (SK 56)
Buffalo Treehopper (I&S 494-110) Cyclosa sp. (SK 63)
unidentified green aphid(s) (CI 117) Silver Argiope (I&S 885-699)
Thistle Aphid (IWNA 234) Grass Spiders (large funnels) (I&S 893-670)
Cabbage Aphid (IWNA 245) shrub spiders (small funnels)
cottony aphid (CI 117) Bola Spider (I&S 887-686)
unidentified scale insect (CI 11 Green Lynx Spider (I&S 901-677)
Cottony-cushion Scale (CI121-plate4f) Burrowing Wolf Spider (I&S 896-646)
Mealybug (CI 123-139) Wolf Spider (SK 82)
Whitefly (CI 124) Crab Spider (SK 94)
thrip (CI 124) unidentified jumping spiders (SK 98)
Neuroptera Phiddipus type jumping spider (SK 102)
Green Lacewing (CI 129-plate 5c)
Brown Lacewing (CI 131-plate 5d)
Antlion (CI 133) Other
Diptera (many unidentified) windscorpion (SK 118)
mosquito (CI 144) Common Pill Bug (roly-poly) (LAB 404-475)
Big Black Horse Fly (CI 152-182)
robber fly (CI 155-plate 6h)
bee fly (CI 156)
progressive bee fly (I&S 663-512)
unidentified fruit fly type
Thick-headed Fly (CI 157-188)
Cactus Fly (CI 159-plate 7c)
hover fly (CI 160-plate 7d)
Green Bottle Fly (CI 170-plate 7f)
flesh fly (CI 173)
tachnid fly (CI 174)
bagworm (CI 191)
plume moth (CI 201)
geometrid moths - inchworms (CI 205)
White-lined Sphinx (CI 234-plate 11g,h)
several unidentified moths
duskywing - Funereal? (CI 236-301)
Wandering Skipper (CB 153-plate 18e,24c)
Checkered Skipper (CI 236-plate 12c)
Fiery Skipper (CI 237-302)
Western Pygmy Blue (CI 239-305)
Common Hairstreak (CI 244-310)
Monarch (CI 246-312)
Mourning Cloak (CI 250-314)
Painted Lady (CI 250-315)
West Coast Lady (CI 250-316)
Red Admiral (CI 251-317)
Cabbage Butterfly (CI 254-322)
Common/Becker's White (CB 104,105-plate 21b,d) References:
Sulfur sp. (CI 255) CB California Butterflies
Anise Swallowtail (CI 257-plate 13h) Garth and Tilden 1986
Western Tiger Swallowtail (CI 257-328) CI California Insects
Coleoptera Powell and Hogue 1974
tiger beetle (CI 259) I&S Field Guide to N. American Insects & Spiders
bombardier beetle (CI 263) Milne and Milne 1984 (Audubon Society)
diving beetle (CI 264) IWNA Insects of Western North America
rove beetle (CI 269) Essig 1926
Green Fruit Beetle (CI 277-plate 14d) HTKTS How to know the spiders
carpet beetle (CI 286) Kaston 1972 (Pictured Key Series)
small darkling beetle (CI 294) LAB Insects of the Los Angeles Basin
Armored Stink Beetle (CI 296-383) Hogue 1993
Wooly Darkling Beetle (CI 297-387) Russo Plant Galls of the California Region
Convergent Ladybird (CI 298-388) Ron Russo (out of print)
California Ladybird (CI 298-388) SK Spiders and Their Kin
Two-spotted Ladybeetle (CI 300-390) Levi and Levi 1987 (Golden Guide)
Ashy Gray Ladybird (CI 300-391) SS Guide to Insects
unidentified blood red ladybird Arnett and Jaques 1981 (Simon & Shuster)