Odonata Stamps
List of postage stamps with dragonflies and damselflies by country
Barbados 784
Orthemis ferruginea
Bhutan 1143
- from souvenir sheet says
Agrion splendens
(a damselfly) more likely
Anax imperator
(a dragonfly)
Great Britain 1102
Anax imperator
Hong Kong
- dragonfly kite
Japan 187
- dragonfly design
Japan 1374
- boy chasing toy dragonfly
Japan 1699
Calopteryx cornelia
Kiribati 450
- Naareau and Tiku-Tiku-Tamoamoa
Macau 844
- dragonfly kite
Syria 970
- wrong identification - really Neuropterid
Taiwan 2893
- children twisting bamboo dragonflies
Tuvalu 203
Diplacodes bipunctata
Uganda 857
- from souvenir sheet
Brachythemis lacustris
United States 2086
- note fish leaping to catch dragonfly
Ron Lyons