Before his death in 1988, odonatist Nick Prendergast of Britain made this list available to interested stamp collectors and fellow odonatists in the hopes that it would have a wider distribution. The list was kindly provided to me by Dr. Dan Johnson, to whom Nick gave the task of distributing it. The original list is organized into 4 parts by theme: - stamps designed with odonates as the main theme with species identified - as above but with unidentifiable species - stamps with stylized odonates or odonates included in the design - stamps featuring odonatists The references used in compiling this list, and any notes follow at the end. I was able to verify most of these stamps using the 1991 Scott's Catalogue, however some were not listed. I have added issues printed after 1988 that I have come upon. If you know of any stamps not on this list, or printed after 1988, please mail me with the details, hopefully including the country and year of issue. Similarly, any comments or corrections would be appreciated. selected stamp images History: 2001 May 10 - addition of Buriata issue 2001 Jan 30 - additions and changes - I became aware that my use of the catalogue numbers is not entirely consistent. Sometimes the numbers refer to souvenir sheets on which the dragonfly is present on one or two stamps. Sometimes the stamps on the sheets were issued separately as well. I am separating these out but this process is as yet incomplete. - special thanks to J. Lucas for many additions - additions again suspended 1999 Nov 30 - additions temporarily suspended 1999 Jan 19 - added Scotland and United Arab Republic plus some more Queen Mother issues 1998 Dec 14 - several additions, uncertain ones noted, one removal (see Syria) thanks to Federico Landi for telling me of several newer issues Oct 18 - several additions, inc. older one from U.S. thanks to Vern Nelson Feb 3 - added Zaire and Uganda issues 1997 Dec 24 - added some Scott's numbers and a couple of new finds Dec 11 - thanks to British Dragonfly Society member Peter Allen for additions up to 1991 Jun 24 - Scott's Catalogue Numbers (other numbers are Stanley-Gibbons) Jun 02 - some post-1988 issues (as I find them) updates and corrections May 12 - added recent Bhutan, Georgia and St.Vincent issues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: New stamps on list have an '*' in front of them. Note: If the Scott's number ends with a small letter of the alphabet then the stamp indicated is often on a souvenir sheet - a is the first one, b the second and so on. So the listing /123b would be the second stamp on the sheet catalogued as number 123. Sometimes the a number is the souvenir sheet though. Country cat no year value subject S.G/Scott Albania 1009/922 1966 20q Calopteryx virgo 1011/925 1966 35q Calopteryx splendens 1012/926 1966 40q Calopteryx splendens *Angola /1103 1999 unidentified dragonfly on border of fungi sheet dragonfly is not on any of the stamps on the sheet * 2000 dragonfly, as above, on border of souvenir sheet stamp depicts fungus Mycena lilacifolia, chipmunk is also on border *Austria /1792 1999 $7 with frog, heron and ducks on National Park stamp *Australia /1785 1999 45c dragonfly (Celithemis?) * /1790d 1999 stamp on souvenir sheet of small pond animals (includes dragonfly above, also on border) Barbados /784 1990 50c Orthemis ferruginea Belgium /1255 1986 13f Baron Michel-Edmond de Selys-Longchamps /1604 1996 16f Sympetrum sanguineum Botswana 479/268 1981 6t Anax imperator 550/337 1983 6t Pantala flavescens 551/338 1983 15t Anax imperator 552/339 1983 25t Trithemis arteriosa 553/340 1983 45t Chlorolestes elegans Bhutan /101G 1969 6nu Anotogaster sieboldii (air mail 3D) 1969 souvenir sheet with above and 3 other insect stamps /1143q 1997 70ch stamp on souvenir sheet says Agrion splendens but Anax imperator Bulgaria /3710 1993 1.0 Libellula depressa *Buriatia /*1 1999 4200 Meganeura (sheet mainly of fossil fish) *Buriatia /*1 souvenir sheet red-faced dragonfly almost head on sheet os a scene with various beetles, flies, wasps, slug *Burkina Faso /949 1992 85f Orthetrum microstigma Cameroon(oun) 1074/808 1986 70f Fossil sp. Aeschna cyanea? and Calopteryx virgo? or Sapho sp? Chad 362/256 1972 5f Hemistigma albipunctata China /2394 1992 30y Sympetrum croceolum *Comoro Islands /890a 1999 150f Meganeura on Animaux Prehistoriques sheet (Rep. Fed. Islamique Des Comores) Czeck Republic /2953 1995 6k Calopteryx splendens El Salvador 1902/1072 1985 25c Cordulegaster godmani 1903/1073 1985 55c Libellula herculea 1904/1074 1985 70c Cora marina 1905/1075 1985 90c Aeshna cornigera 1906/1076 1985 C1.00 Mecistogaster ornata 1907/1077 1985 C1.50 Hetaerina smaragdalis? 2027/C544 1988 C5 on 90c Aeshna cornigera Finland 536/B128 1954 25+5m Aeshna juncea * /863a 1991 2.10 fish, fisherman and stylized dragonfly sport fishing issue - stamp in booklet pane of 5 different stamps France /B588 1987 2.2+0.5f Jean Rostand Gabon /800i 1995 Meganeura on dinosaur souvenir sheet * /892b 1997 260f Calopteryx maculata on Fleurs du Monde sheet * /894 1997 Anax junius miniature sheet Georgia /144 1995 10 sheet of pond scene - unidentified damselfly Germany /1670 1991 50 Libellula depressa /1671 1991 60 Libellula depressa /1672 1991 60 Sympetrum sanguineum /1673 1991 60 Cordulegaster boltonii /1674 1991 60 Aeschna viridis /1675 1991 70 Sympetrum sanguineum /1676 1991 80 Cordulegaster boltonii /1677 1991 100 Aeschna viridis * /1689 1991 60 Sorbian legends - violinist, waterman and odonate Ghana /1224 African Tropical Rain Forest sheet camelion appears to have dragonfly on tongue /1353 1991 100 Coenagrion sp. Great Britain 1281/1102 1985 34p Anax imperator /1357 1991 1st cartoon dragonfly under rainbow /1359a 1991 symbols of good luck booklet includes cartoon dragonfly under rainbow *Grenada /2091 1991 $6 50th anniv. of USO picturing Anna May Wong sheet red dragonfly is on border art work not stamps Grenada 530/522 1982 3c cartoon dragonfly (Walt Disney's Rescuers) (Grenadines) 531/523 1982 4c cartoon dragonfly /1138 1990 $1 Red Skimmer Guernsey 256/243 1982 24p Pyrrhosoma nymphula or Aeshna grandis Guernsey (Alderney) /70 1994 1p Ischnura elegans *Rep de Guinea /1569d 1999 450f Sympetrum on Champignons du Monde sheet *Guyana /3051 1996 $300 Lagosuchus with odonate (part of major dinosaur issue) Hong Kong /830 1998 $1.30 dragonfly kite /833a 1998 souvenir sheet with 4 kites including above * 2000 $2.50 Macromidia ellenae * 2000 souvenir sheet with above Indonesia 1278/B224 1970 14+1.50s Orthetrum testaceum Japan 215-221/179-185 1923 1/2 - 8s first design 222-223/186,187 1923 10, 20s second design 1475/1296 1977 50y Boninthemis insularis 1540/1374 1979 50y boy catching insects (toy dragonfly) 1553/1378 1979 50y song ``The Birthplace'' 1580/1396 1980 50y song ``Red Dragonfly'' 1850/1683 1986 60y Epiophlebia superstes 1854/1686 1986 60y Sympetrum pedemontanum 1863/1689 1986 60y Rhyothemis variegata 1871/1695 1987 60y Anotogaster sieboldii 1881/1699 1987 60y Calopteryx cornelia /2154 1991 9y dragonfly Kampuchea 927/896 1988 2r unidentified dragonfly (Cambodia) Kiribati /450 1984 35c dragonfly legend (Naareau and Tiku-Tiku-Tamoamoa) Korea (South) /1633 1991 100 dragonfly * /1923 1997 170 red dragonfly and flowers (philatelic week) * /1923a 1997 souvenir sheet - 2 of previous stamp Lebanon 872/439 1965 32.5p Bee-eater and dragonfly Lesotho 363/262 1978 4c Nesciothemis farinosa 444/328 1981 25s Malachite Kingfisher and Nesciothemis /1119 1998 "Prehistoric Creatures in Flight" souvenir sheet what might loosely be called a dragonfly appears on the border catching edge of one stamp NOT ODONATE - this looks less and less like a dragonfly to me, perhaps it is a reproductive ant but lacks antennae *Liberia /1414 1999 $2 Tarbosaurus souvenir sheet Maganeura is on border art work Luxembourg 1198/764 1987 10f Agrion splendens Macau /844 1996 3.5 green dragonfly kite *Malaysia /681 1998 Insects of Malaysia Stamp Week '98 gold coin crest on souvenir sheet has libellulid no odonates are pictured on the stamps Mali 591/280 1977 5f ``Libella'' Monaco /1568 1987 2.20f Aeshna grandis *Mongolia /2169 1994 60 Wild Animals of Mongolia sheet with dragonfly stamp Montserrat 551/493 1983 50c Erythemis vesiculosa 552/494 1983 65c Orthemis ferruginea 553/495 1983 $1.50 Triacanthagyna trifida 554/496 1983 $2.50 Erythrodiplax umbrata /805 1992 15c Lepthemis vesiculosa /806 1992 20c Orthemis ferruginea *Nevis /953d 1996 $1 painting - odonate with rat part of a block of 4 rat paintings for Lunar New Year New Zealand 871a/391 1967 7.5c Brown Trout and damselfly /1462 1997 40c "Giant Dragonfly" /1468a 1997 Creepy Crawlers booklet has "Giant Dragonfly" North Korea N1630/*1 1977 15ch Anax parthenope N1631/*1 1977 25ch Sympetrum pedemontanum * 1992 frog issue miniature sheets damselfly in border design * 1993 mushrooms miniature sheets dragonfly on border design of one sheet * 1999 30 dragonfly on fruit (North) Vietnam 127/856 1977 12x Sinictinogomphus clavatus 128/857 1977 12x Crocothemis servilia 129/858 1977 20x Aristocypha fenestrella 130/859 1977 30x Nuerothemis tullia 131/860 1977 40x Neurobasis chinensis 132/861 1977 50x Neurothemis fulvia 133/862 1977 60x Rhyothemis variegata 134/863 1977 1d Rhyothemis fuliginosa * /2849 1998 400d paintings of Te Bach Thach - dragonfly and lotus *Norway /1180 1998 3.80 unidentified probably an Aeshnid * /1181a 1998 booklet pane of above and another stamp *Palau /506 1999 33c Earth Day 1999 - Pacific Insects sheet has Megalagrion leptodemus stamp Paraguay /ftr? 1974 Phillipines 1993/1822 1986 3p unidentified dragonflies Pitcairn 165/154 1975 15c Pantala flavescens Poland 2253/1990 1973 1.5z pond life 3147/2841 1988 10z Anax imperator 3148/2842 1988 15z Libellula quadrimaculata 3149/2843 1988 15z Calopteryx splendens 3150/2844 1988 20z Cordulegaster annulatus 3151/2845 1988 30z Sympetrum pedemontanum 3152/2846 1988 50z Aeschna viridis * /3474 1999 1.40 Anax imperator Qatar /905m 1998 2r Orthetrum chrysostigma (Girdled Skimmer) (major insect issue - sheet with 20 insect species) Rumania 3231/1705 1964 40b raspberries with dragonfly Sahara Occ. Rasd 1995 28p Plactiynemis 1995 29p Ischnura elegans 1995 40p Calopteryx virgo 1995 68p Sympetrum striolatum 1995 105p Calopteryx virgo 1995 180p Cordulegaster annulatus St. Helena 389/364 1982 7p Sympetrum dilatatum St. Pierre - Miquelon /555 1992 3.6f Aeschna eremita over Nuphar variegatum St. Vincent 1220/1152 1989 40c Noah's ark issue - two cartoon like dragonflies but long antennae St. Vincent 490/546 1986 45c Brachymesia furcata (Grenadines) 491/547 1986 60c Erythemis vesiculosa 492/548 1986 75c Perithemis domitia 493/549 1986 $2.50 Tramea abdominalis San Marino /1323 1995 600 pond scene (strip of 5) Scotland - Easdale Is./*2 1988 52p scene with Aeschnid *Sierra Leone /2104 1998 4.50 Animal World of China sheet has Orthetrum albistylum stamp Singapore 67/56 1962 6c Archer Fish and dragonfly 491/453 1985 5c Ceriagrion cerinorubellum 501/463 1985 $5 Trithemis aurora South Africa 533/607 1982 15c Lystrosaurus and dragonfly on small dinosaur sheet Sweden 1008/1295 1979 60o Aeschna cyanea Switzerland J138/B208 1951 10+10c Calopteryx splendens Syria 1541/970a 1982 5p unidentified dragonfly NOT ODONATE - some sort of Neuroptera Taiwan 1009/1896 1974 $2,50 fan painting (Republic of China) /2843 $5 3 children and red dragonfly (souvenir sheets with various overprints) /2893 1993 $5 children twisting bamboo dragonflys * 2000 5 Lamelligomphus formosanus * 5 Anotogaster * 12 Neurothemis ramburri * 12 Trithemis festiva * 2000 stream scene with the 4 stamps above *Tanzania /1685g 1998 250/- azure damselfly on flowers and insects sheet + /1743 1998 450/- mushrooms and insects sheet with darter dragonfly * /1747f 1999 250/- broad-bellied libellula on mushrooms and insects sheet Thailand 1426/1323 1989 2b Neurothemis tullia 1427/1324 1989 5b Orthetrum sabina 1428/1325 1989 6b Urothemis signata 1429/1326 1989 10b Vestalis amoena 1989 numbered sheet with all 4 stamps above Tonga - Niuafo'ou 127/118 1989 $1 carboniferous scene with dragonfly * /163d 1993 60 unidentified dragonfly one of a strip of 5 including parrots, birds with fish Turkish Cyprus 1998 40L Agrion splendens Tuvalu 217/200 1983 10c Pantala flavescens 218/201 1983 35c Anax guttatus 219/202 1983 40c Tholymis tillarga 220/203 1983 50c Diplacodes bipunctata Uganda /857 1991 Animals of Uganda's Wetlands sheet with following 2 odonate stamps 70/- Ennalagma glaucum 70/- Brachythemis lacustris * /1307 1995 1000/- stylized dragonfly (50th anniversary of U.N.) * /1325 1995 300/- prehistoric Umm Al Quain /*2 1971? 1r ``Aeshna verde'' - Somatochlora metallica? (air mail, 2 sizes) United Arab Emirates /597 1998 250f Crocothemis arythraea United States /2086 1984 20c wetland scene - fish is jumping at dragonfly (Louisiana World Exposition) /3136 1997 dinosaur issue souvenir sheet damselfly abdomen sticks out from border onto one stamp odonates being chased and caught by frogs on one border * /3351 1999 32c Calopteryx maculata (major insect issue) Wallis and Futuna 236/185 1974 45f Pantala flavescens 1998 36f "Libellule de Wallis" Yugoslavia 1686/1294 1976 1.20d Anax imperator Zaire /1449 1996 15000 Calopteryx Zimbabwe /737 1995 $1.15 Anax imperator
A number of countries in the British Commonwealth issued stamps to commemorate the 85th birthday of the Queen Mother. Different images of the Queen Mother are depicted on stamps of the different countries. A number of countries issued souvenir sheets which incorporate their stamps of the Queen Mother. A number of different countries used the same set of border designs in their souvenir sheets (3 per country). A dragonfly, which looks like Anax imperator appears in one of these border designs. I am not sure how many countries are involved, but if you want them try the royalty section of topical dealers and be sure you have money in your wallet. British Virgin Is. /518 $1 + $1 souvenir sheet - dragonfly on border Montserrat /567 $3.50 + $3.50 " Nevis /437 $6 + $6 " *St. Lucia /790c $3.00 + $3.00 " St Vincent /869c $3.50 + $3.50 " St Vincent - Grenadines /500 $4 + $4 " St. Vincent - Bequia /211 $3.50 + $3.50 " St. Vincent - Union /211 $2.25 + $2.25 " Tuvalu /319c $2 + $2 " * Tuvalu - Funafuti /50 $3 + $3 " * Tuvalu - Nanumaga /50 $2.10 + $2.10 " Tuvalu - Nanumea /46 $1 + $1 " Tuvalu - Niutao /42 $1.50 + $1.50 " Tuvalu - Nui /54 $1.50 + $1.50 " Tuvalu - Nukufetau /49 $1.75 + $1.75 " Tuvalu - Nukulaelae /52 $1.20 + $1.20 " Tuvalu - Vaitupu /56 $2.00 + $2.00 "
Notes 1) Prior to 1988, the names listed are in accordance with Davies and Tobin (1985) and may differ from those indicated on the stamps. 2) The catalogue numbers are from the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue for 1985 (first) and the Scott's Postage Stamp Catalogues borrowed from various dealers. *1 - These countries are not listed in Scott's for various reasons. *2 - Umm Al Quain No stamps are listed by Scott's for 1971 or later ftr- Scott's describes some stamps in a section called ``for the record''. The indicated stamps may fall in this section. 3) Lists of Odonata on stamps can be found in Smit (1978) and Stanley (1979). Eda and Machet also write articles about Odonata stamps. 4) Any errors are solely my fault. References Davies, D.A.L. and Tobin, P. 1984-1985 The dragonflies of the world: a systematic list of the extant species of Odonata Societas Internationalis Odonatologica Rapid Communications (supplements) Nos 3 and 5 Eda, S. 1977-1987 in Nature and Insects, Japan - various articles on dragonfly stamps Machet, P. 1985-1987 in Martinia, Bulletin de liason des Odonatologues de France. Bois d'Arcy Scott's Catalogue of Postage Stamps, 1991 (4 vols), 1992 (only had 3 of 4 vols available) Smit, F.G.A.M. 1978 Insects on Stamps, Tring Stanley, V.F. 1979 American Topical Association, Handbook No. 98, Milwaukee Insects and other invertebrates of the world on stamps Bibliography Odonatologica - Journal of the Societas Internationalis Odonatologica (SIO) Odonatological Abstracts (OA) 1978 - OA 1874, OA 1980 1979 - OA 2316 1980 - OA 2572 1982 - OA 3420 1983 - OA 4139 1986 - OA 5335,OA 5386 1987 - OA 5606, OA 5700, OA 5775 Martinia, Bulletin de liason des Odonatologues de France. Bois d'Arcy Sep 1985 (no 1/2) pages 30-31 Oct 1986 (no 4) pages 27-28 Mar 1987 (no 5) pages 30-32 Selysia, Newsletter of the SIO and the US national office Mar 1984 vol 13 no 1 page 12 Mar 1985 vol 14 no 1 page 3 Mar 1986 vol 15 no 1 page 11
Ron Lyons (volunteer 1990-1999)